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  04 Feb 2023

Why using UUID instead of IDs in your Java Project

In this tutorial you will see the advantage of using UUID instead of ID...

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  02 Feb 2023

Create a Base Entity with JPA

In this tutorial, you will learn how to define a basic template for all your JPA/Hibernate entity classes....

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  22 Jan 2023

How to add Total in last row of SQL SUM

In this article you will see how to add a Total row at the end of result with ROLLUP()....

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  22 Jan 2023

How to Create a Postgres Database in Docker

In this tutorial, I will show you with simple steps how to set up a Postgres database under Docker....

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  16 Jan 2023

How to Build a Rest API with Spring Boot and PostgreSQL

In this tutorial, you will learn how to build a complete Rest API with Spring Boot and PostgreSQL 15...

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  07 Jan 2023

How to center a Div, Text and HTML element with CSS

In this tutorial you'll learn 3 simple ways to center a div, text or HTML element with CSS....

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