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  28 May 2024

Make Your Code More Readable and Maintainable With the SLA Principle

In this post, you'll learn what SLAP (Single Level of Abstraction Principle) is, what its advantages are and a concrete example of its use in your code....

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  31 Dec 2023

Use Static Factory Method Instead of Constructors

Through practical examples and insightful explanations, you'll gain a comprehensive understanding of how to create objects using Static Factory Method...

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  31 Dec 2023

Instance-Controlled Classes | Efficiently Manage your Objects

In this blog post, you will understand what instance controlled class are and to manage your objects creation professionally...

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  09 Apr 2023

SOLID Principles

In this article, we'll explore the SOLID principles and show you how to apply them in your own projects. By the end, you'll have a good understanding of how to write robust and scalable code....

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  10 Jan 2023

4 pillars of Object-Oriented Programming

In this article, I want to revisit in a simple way and with real world examples how, when and why to use each of these 4 principles....

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  07 Jul 2022

Why Setters are Evil: Avoid Using Them

So many time we have inclusion of code or program structures that serve no real purpose....

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